Frequently Asked Questions

Question: Do I need a mammogram if I don’t have any symptoms?

Answer: Yes. Women over 40 should get a mammogram every year. Mammography can detect breat cancer up to two years before you or your doctor can feel a lump.


Question: If there is no history of breast cnacer in my family, should I worry about getting it?

Answer: Eight out of ten women who develop breast cance have no family history of the disease.


Question: If I have at least one normal mamogram, do I need another?

Answer: Yes. Once is not enough. Women age 40 and over should get a mammogram every year.


Question: Are mammograms painful?

Answer: No. A mammogram is simply an x-ray of your breast. Although the procedure may cause slight discomfort, it doesn’t hurt. And the amount of radiation is very low.


 Question: If a mammogram does find something, is it too late?

Answer: No. In nine out of ten cases, women whose brease cancer is found and treated early, before it has spread beyond the breast will survive.


Question: I just found a lump in my breast but I recently had a mammogram. What should I do?

Answer: Anytime you find a lump it must be seen by a doctor.